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  • News

    • Our company to participate in the 12th world pharmaceutical raw materials exhibition of China"(CPHI)

      On June 26, the company took the 12th world pharmaceutical raw materials in China "exhibition. I have pullulan polysaccharides group company to participate in the exhibition department, the department of pharmaceutical raw materials, international trade, etc., involved in the products are all k...

    • Our company export supervised warehouse formally started operation and became the first in Tongliao area

      On June 6, I export supervised warehouse tgo company approved by the customs inspection was put into operation, this is the first company to export supervised warehouse tgo area. Import and export trade for the region to provide another operation platform, to further promote the development of forei...

    • Pullulan series products of our company published on API China trade fair

      On May 21 solstice 23, our company took part in the 72th API China fair. The exhibition brings together all over the country the major pharmaceutical companies, capsule factory, and a large number of dealers at home and abroad. Promote the products of our company profile, complete the information ac...

    • Our Tongliao Meihua won the 2013 Annual Autonomous Region President Quality Award

      In April 2014 to hear that news, tgo plum flower won the "chairman quality prize" in 2013, is the highest quality award of autonomous region people's government to set up, is the social benefit and economic benefit is remarkable, made outstanding contribution for the autonomous region qual...

    • Our company joined in the 2014 FIC Shanghai international exhibition for food additives and ingredients

      On March 25, 2014, the 18th FIC exhibition in Shanghai world expo exhibition grand opening, we have exhibition for years in a row, the booth image design and spatial layout, have a good visual effect, attracted the attention of many visiting customers, become a beautiful scenery line in the show....

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