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  • Our company contributive instituted merger and acquisition fund boosting enterprise strategy extend


    On May 25, 2015, Companies hold the seven-time 17 times the board of directors, Reviewed and adopted the "on foreign investment in the bill of the establishment of a fund for mergers and acquisitions. Company with Orient Securities subordinate merger platform Dong Fang RUI De etc, Invested 500 million to set up the Dong Zheng MeiHua merger investment funds, of which, company tranche subscribed investment period 100 million. This mergers and acquisitions fund priority in the service of the plum flower biological industry consolidation, With the help of a professional investment team and the financing channels, Integration of the resources advantages, Based on the relevant business area with good growth potential and strategic value of target enterprise mergers and acquisitions, restructuring, To speed up the pace of denotative development company.

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    Office address: No.66 Huaxiang Road,Economic and Technical Development Area,Langfang City, Hebei Province 065001, China

    The service hotline: 400-960-0873

    Tel: +86 316-2359999 Fax: +86 316-2359679



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